Archaeological site of Himera – Termini Imerese
Himera was one of the Greek colonies in Sicily, founded in 648 B.C. It boasts a compelling history of wars and conquests: in 480 B.C., the armies of Syracuse and Akragas, at the Battle of Imera, defeated the Carthaginians, who returned some 70 years later (estimated around 409 B.C.) and completely destroyed it. The survivors of the Carthaginian invasion, together with the Libyans, later founded the present city of Termini Imerese.
The excavations of Himera currently are a very important testimony of the greatness of the people who once inhabited the island, moreover it’s a destination you can’t miss if you are a history enthusiast and are visiting this part of Sicily.
The site develops on a very broad area, of which only a small part has been excavated; it is estimated that the geographic area of Himera is the biggest necropoli that has ever been discovered.
Many tombs and buildings have been found, in fact you can admire the Themenos of Athena, bordered by a perimeter wall and that comprehends inside 4 oikos type temples and an altar dedicated to the goddess.
Most of the artifacts, relics, and various findings, on the other hand, can be admired in museums: the Antiquarium of Himera, where the most notable items found during the excavation of the necropoli and in other sites of the territory are kept, and Pirro Marconi Museum, named after the archaeologist that, between 1929 and 1930, brought the temple of Vittoria to light. Here you will be able to observe up-close the materials found during the excavations carried out in the temple enclosure, mass graves and horse tombs, probably connected to the battles of Himera of 480 and 409 b.c., the remains of a watermill for grain milling and a rural home of the previous century. Thanks to the projection of a video, you can also witness the virtual 3D reconstruction of the city and of the Vittoria’s temple.
You just have to immerse yourself in the history of this land and its civilisations, for an original and exciting experience.